Deeds (1)
defense research (1)
degrees (6)
Del Regno, Gabrielle (1)
Delgadillo, Roberto (2)
Delgado, Ann Trini (2)
demonstrations (13)
Dempsey, Ivy (2)
dental medicine (4)
Denvir, Michael (1)
Depending on your point of view, there are three images of death; a skull, a predatory bird, and a jaguar. The hacha represents the three Mesoamerican realms: death and the underworld, life and the land of the living, and the heavens of the ancestors and the gods. Archaeologists believe the notched hacha type was used as a ballcourt marker. (5)
Derbarmdiker, Feliks (1)
Derevan, Sally (1)
Descripción historia y exposición del códice pictórico de los antiguos Náuas que se conserva en la Biblioteca de la Cámara de Diputados de Paris (antiguo Palais Bourbon) (1)
DeVoe, Sahlia (1)
Dewey, Diana-Lynn (2)
diaries (1)
Diaz, Bob (20)
Diaz, Karla B. (1)
Diaz, Magna (16)